How 2 Love…

Your feelings about mum and dad

Hello and welcome to how 2 love, follow these weekly instructions and you will soon be on your way to manifesting deep and meaningful love into your life.

Let’s find out what the feelings are that we have been holding onto about our parents these could be the blocks sabotaging our love life. Let’s look at our feelings about mum was she not available, did she not nurture, did she abandon? Is it resentments against mum that could be your one thing that you have denied, delayed, procrastinated about in working on and letting go of. These are things we need to look at. What about your feelings for your dad, could this be the one thing blocking you from deep love your resentments against dad, because of the way he treated you, he was not available, beating mum, was he emotionally abusive to you, what was it’ was he vacant, did he abandon you? Those feelings could block you. These resentments that you did not know you had against mum or dad that you will now find out about will cause you to say no omg no wonder why i have not been able to create a deep loving relationship

Hi. I am Selina stone a master life coach and I will be presenting you each week with a new key that opens the door to love! These wisdoms and teachings that I am sharing with you were passed onto by my mentor and teacher David Essel who has over 30 yrs experience and a high success rate amongst his clients.

Between now and our next session I want you to go deep and really at look at this question and everyday for the next 7 days following these 3 steps this is what I want you to do…..

Step 1 – write down this question think about it- What are your feelings about mum and dad, how do you feel?
Your feelings about Dad, do you have any resentments about your dad in regards to love, if you do not let go of it, it will continue to sabotage all your chances of great love. Whatever resentments you have, you will play out in every date, example if dad did not show you intimate love, if father has chosen others of the siblings to love but not you, if the father did not love the mother but stayed in the marriage anyway, if the father abused the mother emotionally and mum stayed. Then what about your feelings for mum, did she abandon you, was she never there for you?

Step 2 – visualization – write the scenario the feelings it brings to mind, the triggers, the memories of the past, then fast forward and jump into the future what do you see, describe the pictures you are seeing, just write them all down.
So what happens when you have these horrendous experiences with dad and we do not deal with them and bring them out into the open you will play these out on dates with men as well by attracting abusive unavailable men, non communicative men and more often than not we stay in these relationships for several years if not decades. Why? Because that s what we thought men were suppose to be. If your feelings about your father are not respectful or you have forgiven him, if you have resentments this could be your one thing that is blocking you from deep phenomenal love and if your deny, delay procrastinate in dealing with these resentments against your father or your mother, you will never be able to create a phenomenal relationship. We will find out how to do this later.
These are all potential things that could be blocking you from love, if you have not released resentments from mum, for whatever reason what so ever, if you have not dealt with your anger or the belief that women are absent emotionally the law of attraction will kick into action by attracting women into life who are always absent emotionally. Once that gets cleared up, healthy women will start to show up.

Step 3 – repetition – write and re write your answers, look at this question everyday over the next week , what does this statement mean to you, what is its meaning in your life Could it be any of these things to be your one thing that is blocking you that you have to remove. Did they choose alcohol over you? Did they choose drugs, were they numb, indulged in food or nicotine, did they choose substances to numb themselves and she just was not available to you? Was she abusive to you, did you not have a mum? Did you not have a dad a mum? These are all things to think about and write down

In each of these examples given the chances are you will not have respect for your Dad or your Mum, for some of us this could take a long time to say it, as in our society we are suppose to love our parents, they did the best they could. Yes, that´s all true, but we really have to work through the pain until we can get to that place and really integrate it. If your feelings about your father are not respectful or you have not forgiven him, if you have resentments this could be your one thing that is blocking you from deep phenomenal love and if your deny, delay procrastinate in dealing with these resentments against your father or your mother, you will never be able to create a phenomenal relationship. We will find out how to do this later.

Well that’s all we have time for today, I look forward to you all tuning in again next week. In the meantime please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the next session is aired. Together we can stay on track to creating a deep meaningful love into your life and that’s the reason I am here. And if you feel you would like me to personally coach you, inspire and motivate then please feel free to contact me via my website
Until next week,
Be Lucky!
Selina Stone