How 2 Love…

Where have you looked for love in the past?

Hello and welcome to how 2 love, follow these weekly instructions and you will soon be on your way to manifesting deep and meaningful love into your life.

Hi. I am Selina stone a master life coach and I will be presenting you each week with a new key that opens the door to love! These wisdoms and teachings that I am sharing with you were passed onto by my mentor and teacher David Essel who has over 30 yrs experience and a high success rate amongst his clients.

Last week we started to get clean and clear by asking ourselves what it is we are really looking to attract, we have started to release the resentments the excuses that we have been carrying around with us for so long and hopefully we have been able to forgive our actions and those of others, at this point in the program so long as you have been doing the work that has been asked of you, you we will be feeling a little lighter as we continue to let go of those harmful feelings that have been sabotaging our chances of acquiring and sustaining a  deep and meaningful love relationship.

Which bring us to this week’s assignment, between now and our next session I want you to go deep and really at look at this question and everyday for the next 7 days following these 3 steps this is what I want you to do…..

Step 1 – write down this question think about it. Where have you looked for love in the past? I want you to write down all of the places where you have looked for love; is it through friends, school, night classes, church groups, online dating? Make a list of all the places and instances that you have found love in the past 

Step 2 – visualization  – write the scenario the feelings it brings to mind, the triggers, the memories of the past, then fast forward and jump into the future what do you see, describe the pictures you are seeing, just write them all down.

This visualization technique is a great way to remember where you have looked for love in the past, what have you done when you have gone looking for love, if online dating write down all the different companies that you are currently with or joined, ie;, just write down everything that comes to mind

Step 3 – repetition  – write and re write your answers, look at this question everyday over the next week , what does this statement mean to you, what is its meaning in your life

Have you asked your friends to hook you up? Gone on blind dates, speed dating, have you joined other types of dating services like Patti Statinger? There are Lots of different match making companies out there, please be specific and write them all down the ones that you have done and used in the past, weather you had success or not. Just write down everything you have done when looking for love in the past.

We need to be specific here, we need to see what we have done wrote down on paper so we can become clearer. Where did you look for love in the past? did anything surprise you when you filled that out? did you forget some places that you had looked into like  internet dating , work, asking friends to set you up, classes, what did you do, where did you go, where were you looking for it because now we have to do something different and this is what we will be looking into next week..

Well that’s all we have time for today, I look forward to you all tuning in again next week. In the meantime please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the next session is aired. Together we can stay on track to creating a deep meaningful love into your life and that’s the reason I am here. And if you feel you would like me to personally coach you, inspire and motivate then please feel free to contact me via my website

Until next week,

Be Lucky!

Selina Stone