The making of Our Life Stories

“Our life stories, it could be our life stories that are not doing us any justice.These being the beliefs we have created through our own personal experience, the stories we tell that have been deleted & distorted over time through the repetition of them. Now we get to re write our history to one where we feel empowered & able to move forward with excitement & anticipation whilst leaving the past behind.” Selina Stone

Begin with the exploration of your stories, the stories you hold onto. Look for repeating stories that hold limiting and negative emotion from the past that we think about and talk about today. These stories are reinforcing our belief we are not worthy. It is another area of how our beliefs come disguised with self talk, self blame & playing the role of victim.

Once again, a story is something that you repeat to yourself & others over and over again. Time to flush these stories out and see them for they really are. These stories can limit us, but they can also show us how we truly feel about ourselves. What are the stories you tell surrounding you and your life? Write them down and review them.

Finding Triggers

Meet “Triggers” Life Stories; your tour guide on this journey of self discovery. Your job is to write down the times you see “Triggers” with each step you take; all you liked and disliked.

Triggers Life Stories.

My life is crap I keep saying; I am starting to wonder at which point my coach will start listening to me, She is not having any of it, my life is full of crap right now, its unbelievable the amount of crap that’s in it. I told her she had her work cut out with me when I signed up, that I was “un-coachable” according to my past 2 coaches anyway.

Triggers, she says; this is just another story your are repeating. So you say your life is crap. Now tell me what do I want you to do with that info? I wanted to say to shove it where the sun don´t shine, but I did not.  I told her what she wanted to hear. Ok, you win. write it down, got it.

the making of by selina stone

Our life stories are what shape us, define us, they are what filter out the good from the bad and set our perspective. If we believe that we are unlucky… then we will be because this is what we focus on perhaps due to past issues.

step 4 our life stories, the making of by selina stone

A story is a past event filled with limiting or negative emotions that we still think about or even talk about today. Anyone, no matter what they have gone through can transform themselves through the power of thought if they choose too & they can let the story go.

Come clean, state the truth & deal with whatever it is you are not facing, only then can you be free to live with yourself knowing you have done all that you could have done. What are your life stories?

The Making of Identity, Career, Body & Lifestyle.

Levels 1, 2 & 3. The making of your life story with 14 mental health checks; take 4 steps per check.

Walk through steps 1-56 with Selina online with 30 minute sessions and fill in your assignments on the call. Once the session has completed write down 3 things that stood out ready for your review and final report at check in. 15 things about you.

Complete 1 check per week or 1 check per month with 4 x 30 minute breakthrough sessions 1-1 online, and be certified for the amount of time you spent on your personal growth & development.


Level 1.  Casting YOU your role in life with the covering of Identity.

the making of by selina stone

My life story was very inspirational to me. I was able to look deep into myself and seek the truth. Who do I aspire to be? What is my purpose on Earth? Do my beliefs fit in with my story? YES YES YES!

step 4 our life stories, the making of by selina stone

“You are your own script writer and the play is never finished, no matter what you age or position in life.” Dennis Waitley

Step into Character for Assimilation & Processing of Real Life, Real Time.

the making of mental health check 2

Casting Call for Stars & Heroes!

The Producers of a TV Show what to know how you would handle fame? Can your mental health handle the public pressure? There is lots of money at risk and people’s jobs at stake; no mistakes.

Stars & Heroes; Rocking & Rolling @Reality TV.
The heart & core; live & uncut 24 hrs a day on camera with the set-up of A Stars Blueprint. Inspiring real life story rewrites; victim to hero.

Stars & Heroes; Polishing & Refining @Check 1.
Take this opportunity to present 15 things that make you a star simply being the way you are. Step into character @Reality TV with the presenting of your 5 Star Press Release & Video.

Presenting all you need to know to be your own life & brand guru step by step.

Introducing star you into the world with Level 4 the making of Brand Star & Star Agent.

Documenting your life story as a star and hero; complete with videos, photos and reports. Make a commitment to complete 4 steps of 30 minutes each per mental health check in 1-14.

Brand Stars check in with 5 photos and written report of 15 highlights upon completion of each check in 1-14 for copy of 5 star press release.

Star Agents check in for editing and publishing skills with 2 x 30 min sessions online 1-1. Shown how to edit 5 star press release; video, photos and report.


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Motivational Celebrity Quotes & Stories to help inspire you along the way.

Eminem, grew up in a trailer home, battled domestic violence as a youngster and in his own relationships, and felt bullied among his peers. Few others have spoken as openly about their troubled lifestyle as Eminem.

However, Eminem did not take the bait and settle for a life of meaningless existence, he used his life stories in his music and has become one of the best-selling artists of a decade.

daily inspriation, daily motivation by selina stone

Did you know?

Academy Award winner Charlize Theron witnessed her mother shoot her alcoholic father in an act of self-defence  when was just 15 years old?

She did not let this trauma immobilise her ambition, she could have. But she choose to channel her energy into making a name for herself and became one of the most respected and talented actresses in Hollywood.