The making of Beliefs

“Where do your beliefs come from are they really yours that you want to carry them around with you for life. Here we get to re access our beliefs and we get to eliminate any self sabotaging ones during the process.” Selina Stone

We determine if the beliefs we have been holding onto are healthy or unhealthy with the use of pattern writing. What are your thoughts on life, people, work and you? Check in on the messages you receive, are they are limiting, disempowering, disabling?

Understand how beliefs are created and formed via life experiences, and outside influences – society, news, family and peer pressure. Find out when and how your beliefs, your perception came to be… from where did these thoughts originate, do they truly reflect the values you wish to experience more of in life?

Finding Triggers

Meet “Triggers” exploring beliefs, your tour guide on this journey of self discovery. Your job is to write down the times you see “Triggers” with each step you take; all you liked and disliked.

Triggers Stories; Beliefs.

WOW, Ever since I was little girl this same phrase has been repeating and repeating over and over again.  It came up in session today with my coach Selina, work around the clock my parents would say. No time to eat lunch or take a break my work would say. You are here to work, work, work, that’s what we are paying you for after-all,

Triggers, she says, write down all of these phrases into the worksheet I gave you. Thats all you have to do for now. Think who said what,  when and where. Let´s find out the influences in your life by writing them down in one place ready for processing. OMG Life changer right there!

the making of by selina stone

My beliefs are a blend of many things, but simply summed up I believe in trying to be the best person I can be, I find it interesting how it’s rather tough following your own beliefs.

A friend once said always do the right thing and as simple as that is, it has resonated with me and kept me on an ethical track.

step 2 beliefs, the making of by selina stone

Beliefs, they are our reality regardless if the beliefs are healthy or unhealthy. They are assumed needs that we create in order to help us understand the world.

The true definition of our beliefs can be seen through our life experiences. However, we can change any limiting beliefs to positive ones by finding out what the true belief is & then re write the story to one of empowerment.

The Making of Identity, Career, Body & Lifestyle.

Levels 1, 2 & 3. The making of your life story with 14 mental health checks; take 4 steps per check.

Walk through steps 1-56 with Selina online with 30 minute sessions and fill in your assignments on the call. Once the session has completed write down 3 things that stood out ready for your review and final report at check in. 15 things about you.

Complete 1 check per week or 1 check per month with 4 x 30 minute breakthrough sessions 1-1 online, and be certified for the amount of time you spent on your personal growth & development.

step 2 beliefs with the making of by selina stone

Level 1.  Casting YOU your role in life with the covering of Identity.

beliefs with the making of by selina stone

I found this segment of the workshop very positive and hopeful. The focus was to outline what belief’s I have around work, life, people and myself. I found that most of my answers were very positive and meaningful.

 I think it is very important to make aware what your current belief’s are so that you discover what kind of mind set you are currently living in – and therefor modifying it where need be!

step 2 beliefs, the making of by selina stone

Do not let your beliefs hold you back from walking the path of Success!

Sidney Poitier was told by a casting director, “Why don’t you stop wasting people’s time and go out and become a dishwasher or something?”

Good job he did not listen to that advice! Poitier persisted with his vision; he knew he was born to act! And went onto winning an Oscar, Thank God, his belief system was set for success and he did not stop just because someone else could not see his worth.

Step into Character for Assimilation & Processing of Real Life, Real Time.

the making of mental health check 2

Casting Call for Stars & Heroes!

The producers of a TV Show what to know how you would handle fame? Can your mental health handle the public pressure? There is lots of money at risk and people’s jobs at stake; no mistakes.

Stars & Heroes; Rocking & Rolling @Reality TV.
The heart & core; live & uncut 24 hrs a day on camera with the set-up of A Stars Blueprint. Inspiring real life story rewrites; victim to hero.

Stars & Heroes; Polishing & Refining @Check 1.
Take this opportunity to present 15 things that make you a star simply being the way you are. Step into character @Reality TV with the presenting of your 5 Star Press Release & Video.

Presenting all you need to know to be your own life & brand guru step by step.

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Introducing star you into the world with Level 4 the making of Brand Star & Star Agent.

Documenting your life story as a star and hero; complete with videos, photos and reports. Make a commitment to complete 4 steps of 30 minutes each per mental health check in 1-14.

Brand Stars check in with 5 photos and written report of 15 highlights upon completion of each check in 1-14 for copy of 5 star press release.

Star Agents check in for editing and publishing skills with 2 x 30 min sessions online 1-1. Shown how to edit 5 star press release; video, photos and report.


From Failure to Success!

Elvis Presley started out as a nobody and was fired after just one performance being told, “You ain’t going nowhere, son.” You ought to go back to driving a truck.”

Even so, Elvis went on to become a household name & one of the best-selling artists of all time! He did not believe he was destined to drive a truck for the rest of his life, he believed he was destined to sing & would stop at nothing until he accomplished his dream.

The moral of these REAL LIFE stories are…

When you believe in yourself, you will succeed!

Charlie Chaplin was initially rejected by Hollywood studio chiefs because they felt his act was a little too nonsensical to ever sell.

Charlie Chaplin went onto to becoming famous in a way that no one had been before and no one has been as famous since!

daily inspiration, daily motivation by selina stone