
 Affirmations refer primarily to the practise of positive thinking & self empowerment. Affirmations help to purify our thoughts by us consciously choosing words that will attract our desired outcome. In doing so, we are rewiring our brain to believe that anything is possible & that what we so desire is true. When we state our positive affirmations we stop the self talk, the inner chatter & can overcome & eliminate any self sabotaging, negative thoughts.

Oprah Winfrey says ‘You really can change your own reality based on the way that you think.’

Motivational Celebrity Quotes & Stories to help inspire & motivate you along your path of self discovery.

Will Smith says “that we are all limitless beings, able to achieve anything we put our mind to. Choose precisely what you want or want to do, and the universe can make this possible”

Jim Carrey is eager to share the story of his rise to fame. His story is a well-known one; Carrey wrote a cheque out to himself in 1990 to the sum of 10 million dollars for “acting services rendered”. He postdated the check for 1995 and carried it in his wallet. Carrey additionally visualized himself cashing the check and what he would buy with it. He kept the cheque with him at all times, frequently visualizing the many things that he would do with that money. By 1995, Carrey was able to cash in a cheque to that exact amount. He has since been a strong advocator of the power of positive thinking and of the mind.

“Change your thoughts and you will change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale