Casting You!

the Making of Identity

Level 1 Casting You the exploring of identity

Mental Health Check In 1-4 take  Steps 1-16

Recommend 1 STEP weekly until completion of full program.

Casting you for your role in life & not just a character on TV. Embark on a journey of self discovery with this 4 part transformational coaching program designed for the re-invention of a new you just like an actor starring in a movie.

Complete each step with 30 minutes sessions online 1-1 with personal coach with original creator Selina Stone.

Casting You! Level 1

Original Workshop Program 2015.

life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone coaching Marbella

Check 1 – Reality TV!

Understanding our character is a vital key in being cast for the part we want to obtain in life. Once we know where we want to go in life only then can we find the ways to get there. In this segment we get to explore more of who we really are the good, the bad & the ugly that hides behind the mask. It is what it is, just own it! We can release our fears & anxiety by entering into a new era of self discovery & expansion. We can create a brand new belief system that contains no regrets or sorrow, discharge the emotions & rewrite our story to one that leads us to victory.

“The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today” – Les Brown




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone coaching Marbella

Step  1 – Soul Searching

A true mission has to express your purpose for existence & of what is most important to you. Soul searching is an honest evaluation of your feelings & motives. It is the activity of thinking seriously about your behaviour & beliefs in order to understand the reasons for why we think & act the way we do. Here we probe your mind to help you get valuable insights by seeking answers to those unanswered questions.

What do you really want to get out of life?

“When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools” Dennis Waitley



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone coaching Marbella

Step 2 – Beliefs

Beliefs are our reality regardless if the beliefs are healthy or unhealthy, they are assumed needs that we create in order to help understand the world. The true definition of our beliefs can be seen through our life experiences. However, we can change any limiting beliefs to positive ones by finding out what the true belief is & then re write the story to one of empowerment.

What are your beliefs about yourself?

Charlie Chaplin was initially rejected by Hollywood studio chiefs because they felt his act was a little too nonsensical to ever sell. Charlie Chaplin went onto to becoming famous in a way that no one had been before and no one has been as famous since!



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone coaching Marbella

 Step 3 – Resistance

Resistance = the blocks or excuses that get in the way of our goals. It’s a justification to stay the way we are even though it’s not healthy for us. Your mind will generate all of the reasons why you cannot or should not do something, instead of the “what ifs” & of “how could you? “Resistance is the one, two or three things that we keep putting of the most; it’s the things we give excuses for & the blocks that we have to change.

What blocks & excuses keep appearing in my life?

“It´s not what´s happening to you now or what has happened in the past that determines who you become. Rather, it´s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean  to you, and what you´re going to about them that will determine your ultimate destiny” – Anthony Robbins



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone coaching Marbella

Step 4 – Our Life Stories

A story is a past event filled with limiting or negative emotions that we still think about or even talk about today. Anyone, no matter what they have gone through can transform themselves through the power of thought if they choose too & they can let the story go. Come clean, state the truth & deal with whatever it is you are not facing, only then can you be free to live with yourself knowing you have done all that you could have done.

What are your life stories?

“You are your own script writer and the play is never finished, no matter what you age or position in life – Dennis Waitley



The Wish List

life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 5 – The Wish List

You never realise how boring your life is until someone asks you what you do for fun. During this part of our journey we get to tap into the creative ability of our minds to form new images & concepts of what is not actually present to the senses at this moment. Imagination is the key. Indeed, imagination is the bridge of where we can cross over to the place to meet the person of who you really are, the version where you are more able, more fortunate, where you are the pioneer. 

The time has come to present this image of you to the world.

“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work at it however” – Richard Bach




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Check In 2 – The WOW Factor!

We look at what is important to you in life, the person you would like to be, your values & image. The secret of success here lies in a visual image of how you want to act, walk, talk, think & move your body like. It is important to know what to aspire for. Do not hold back, let your imagination lead the way then choose the looks & characteristics that you admire the most & make them a part of your everyday life.

Who do you dream you could be?

Jennifer Lopez, Daniel Craig, Halle Berry were all homeless before they made it big! Now they are worth millions.




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 6 – Reach for the Stars

What do you truly desire? It has to be a passion that really excites you. Something that you are willing to get up early for and go to bed late at night, a passion that will fuel you until you make it happen. Circulate in the mind your dreams and let the ideas settle. Your burning desire will give you the strength & determination to succeed.

What are you most passionate about in life?

Follow your passions, your heart desire & they will lead you to your success. Oliver Stone, Stevie Wonder, JK Rowling all followed theirs.




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 7 – Motivating factors

Motivation is what drives you to success, it is the key, the spark that ignites the light inside. The reason why you do something is what gets you into action. A great motivational technique is to treat yourself for every step that you accomplish, to gift yourself with rewards big & small. Do not generalize know exactly what you want. Picture them, be specific & write them all down.
How will you reward yourself?

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.





life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 8 – Law of Success

 Every success we achieve is linked somehow in some way to serving others. When we use our talents, empathy, patience, passion & compassion to look for ways to make someone else’s day, then our lives begin to have purpose. When, what we can do, replaces what we can get, we get to create a powerful aura around us & lose any victim mentality that we may have had.

Which communities could you form a part of?

Angelina Jolie, Oscar-winning actress, professional model and listed on countless “most beautiful women” lists. A mother to six children and a natural beauty both inside and out, she needs no introduction as a humanitarian spokesperson. According to tax records, Angelina Jolie and her husband Brad Pitt have donated more than $8 million to charity! I wonder…. Is this why she has attracted into her life a loving husband and successful career?


In Development 

life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Check In 3 – In Development

When walking our talk we will be faced with people who do not treat us right, we will be presented with challenges to overcome & experience stress. We have to learn how we may disconnect from the game & maintain our purpose regardless. Think big. There are no lack of opportunities, acting hastily can cause mistakes, just do all you can each day without haste, fear or doubt. When you feel any of these emotions then wait, increase your purpose & vision, give thanks for all you have, then, when you do take action, you will know if that is the right path for you.

“You can´t ask for what you want unless you know what it is. A lot of people don´t know what they want or they want much less than they deserve. First you have to figure out what you want. Second, you have to decide you that you deserve it. Third, you have to believe you can get it. And, forth, you have to have the guts to ask for it.” – Barbara De Angelis



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 9 – Think Big!

Successful people are happy, accomplished, centred, on purpose, less stressed & more relaxed. They feel powerful, excited & passionate about life. Feelings are important to use as a tool to remind ourselves of why we are putting in the effort. Be relentless in your quest, nothing matters other than you being able to live your dream, you are so worthy of making your desire your living reality. This is the reason you are here, continue on & persevere.

How could you become a success in your life?

“When our desires are strong enough, you will appear to posses superhuman powers to achieve”- Napoleon Hill




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 10 – Stress

When dealing with stress change the perception. Yes, you can change all this turmoil you are feeling. Growing is going through stress, this is how we learn. You can cut out 70% of stress in your life which is beyond your control, by focusing only on what you can control. Improve your conditions by implementing strategies where you feel capable & you are not feeling sorry for yourself.

How do you handle stress, crisis & chaos?

Goldie Hawn says “stress is something that’s created in the mind; basically its how we look at things, so our greatest defence against stress is the ability to change our minds, to change our thinking.




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 11 – Setting Boundaries

We think we have to be liked, admired, and accepted by everyone. It’s almost imperative to be liked by all, we will lead the most stressful existence if we are to give in & bend like a willow for the need to give regardless of the cost to ourselves. Set boundaries & life will get easier. Be the person you want to be, treat yourself with kindness, and treat yourself how you would like to be treated.

What are your boundaries? Write them down.

Whitney Houston was a huge superstar, she was married to Bobby Brown, and it seemed she had everything going for her, love, success, looks it certainly looked like she was living the dream. But her life ended in tragedy, it seemed that the strain of the music industry pushed the talented singer to a lifestyle fueled by drugs and alcohol, it was later revealed by her brother she was turning her life around and hoped for a comeback, but it was too late, at just 48 years old she died in a drug-related drowning


life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 12 – Challenges

Slow down & just experience, take one step at a time. Do not compare to others, we are all going through challenges.  Review your challenges & explore to find out the root cause, and then turn your challenges into positive experiences. The only constant in all chaotic personal relationships is you. Have courage, do not allow yourself to be distracted, stay focused.

What are your greatest challenges?

“We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve” – Maxwell Maltz



Your Premiere

: life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York, Las Vegas, Noosa

– casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Check 4 – Your Premiere

Present yourself to the world! Your efforts have not been in vain, all the hard work is paying of & your conscious decisions to change has brought forth a clear understanding of who you were destined to be. Your vision is in now in focus containing a clear mental picture of the person you have always dreamed you could be. Now you are living the dream. Influence others to step up, to know that they too can be more of the person they would like to become. Inspire them with your actions, with you being you & doing all that you wish too. We lead by example.

“Our job as a human is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that’s the law of attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think of most.” – John Assaraf




life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York, Las Vegas, Noosa

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 13 – Self Esteem

So many things depend on the level of your self esteem. It is the one thing that can either open many doors for you or shut them tight. We each have an image of ourselves & how we feel about this image will determine our feelings of self worth. When you feel good about yourself, you feel in control, that you can conquer anything & no mountain is too steep for you to climb.

How could you raise your self esteem?

 John Lennon once said, “Part of me suspects that I’m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I’m God Almighty.” John Lennon even though he exuded confidence was insecure, and during the height of Beatle mania he suffered with poor self esteem



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York, Las Vegas, Noosa

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 14 – Self Image

An impeccable self image along with the associated feelings of competence, confidence & worth are the keys for you to be on your way to enjoying all the glory & the glitz. Winning is about being content with your status quo & feeling that you are giving the best that you have. When you change your self image, you also change your personality & behaviour to go with.

How could you maximise your potential?

Mark Wahlberg cleaned up his image and left behind a past of violence and jail-time and went from Billboard charts posing in his underwear for Calvin Klein to finally maintaining a successful career in acting and an Academy Award nomination



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York, Las Vegas, Noosa

casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 15 – Visualisation

The rehearsal practise is an effective technique that will harness the power of your mind using mental imagery. It is an important step in reaching your goals. Many actors & athletes have used this practise to improve their performance & boost their confidence. Visualisation is a powerful & effective force for you to get what you want in life by envisioning success in all of your endeavours
Picture how you would like your life to be.

Such celebrities as Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Robbins, Bills Gates, Jim Carey, Will Smith  all use visualization as a tool to overcome challenges and, in fact Will Smith has said that he visualized his success years before he became successful



life coaching, workshop, seminar, Skype, Facetime, Malaga, Marbella, Fuengirola, Gibraltar, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Sydney, New York, Las Vegas, Noosa

– casting you for your role in life & not just a character on a TV screen. Selina Stone, Coaching Marbella

Step 16 – Ideal Lifestyle

 Identify what it is that you want from life, the holidays you want take, the house you want to live in. Are you in the right job to pay for all of your desires? By answering a few thought provoking questions we can devise a plan of action to bring more into our life. In doing so, we will become clear & focused. So, let’s identify the key characteristics of your ideal lifestyle.

What does your ideal life look like?

“You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands – your own.” – Mark Victor Hansen


“I highly recommend Selina for her professionalism, enthusiasm and generosity. She gave me the opportunity to enrol in the Casting You Program and has been very helpful to me at a transition time in my life. I enjoyed a lot the program and on top of that Selina always sent me positive and powerful energy. Thanks to her I managed to project myself professionally in the future. I feel much more confident now and I trust the flow of life. Selina can be funny and also has a lot of empathy in hard times and knew how to adapt her program to my needs. I appreciated her flexibility and kindness. She respected the time I needed to go through changes and knew when to push me or not. I really feel grateful for her patience and generosity. Thank you Selina for all you brought me.”
Catherine Rubio. Personal Trainer. Health & Wellness. Gibraltar  Check out Catherine´s website 

Lets Talk!
Selina Stone; Personal Coach + Certified Master Life Coach + Certified Holistic Addiction Recovery Coach + Certified Public Speaking +Presenter +  Credited IMDB Casting Director + 100 Roles Extra TV.

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